And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them. Ether 12:27

Friday, October 5, 2012

Here's My Story

I have struggled with this dark secret for many, many years. Having a sexual addiction and being a Daughter of God is something that is never talked about in the LDS religion. But in the "Ways of the World"  it's accepted and welcomed. Being born and raised Mormon by wonderful loving parents, I was taught at a early age about the goodness of this life and the wonderful things this Gospel gives us. But I never knew how it worked for me, and honestly I really didn't want it to work for me then. I was a fence sitter. I would be extremely active in my addiction, and then attend all my church meetings and ward functions to please my parents, and try to hide this secret from everyone. I didn't know that what i was dealing with was that bad, i was numbed to the thought that i had a problem. In General Conference talks the General Authority would mainly speak to the men about the same issues I was struggling with, pornography & masturbation. These talks were the only talks i mainly would focus on because that was the exact nature of my wrongs. Remembering back I would wait and try to hear something about women dealing with the same thing. But i never did. I felt so alone, a Daughter of a loving God that had a sexual addiction. I had no hope, and i gave up trying.

I have never completely fell away from the church because I always in the very back of my mind knew it was true. But there were times, mainly most of the time, I would skip out on church and/or not have a calling. I could feel my spirit diminishing and Satan taking over my every thought and action.

It wasn't until i got married that my addiction was really screaming at me. I thought that, hey once i'm married  the need to "use" would go away. Nope that was a lie! The want/need to use had grown even more. To the point where my marriage almost ended. I had so much brain damage from this addiction that I could not let myself be happy. So once i hit rock bottom that was when I needed to find a way out. I expressed everything to my hubby and he said its time to meet with the Bishop. As we met with him, he stated: "When you both are clean, you will be able to bring children into this world." (side note: we've been trying to have babies ever sense we were married, about 3 years at the time of the meeting.) This gave me hope that i just needed to stop using and move forward. This feeling lasted for about 2 days. Then i went right back into my addiction. Satan works harder when He see's us working or having the desire to work harder. After every time I used after meeting with that wonderful Bishop, I thought i was killing my babies, very dramatic i know, but this was a real feeling. This was the hardest thing for me to get over. I felt so selfish because i didn't want to give up something that made me feel so "content" and so "loved". I use the quotations because those feeling are not true feelings, these are feelings that Satan tricked me into beleving. This went on for about 2 months of utter despair and selfishness. That was when i realized i couldn't do this by my self i needed to talk to someone who could help me. So I took my phone and went on a drive. I Googled "LDS woman therapist" or something a long the lines of that and LDS Family Services was one of the top searches. I clicked and called right there, and set a meeting with one of the therapists for about a week out. That week went by super fast! But ya know, i was ready for some kind of help, i was ready to see if i could kick this.

The first meeting i had with my therapist, I will never forget her, her name is Kate and she told me to call her Kate The Great! She was amazing. She had a way of making me feel so comfortable and welcomed. I had never done therapy before but i was open to anything. I was desperate.  I told her my whole life story and the main reason why I was there. She looked at me with the most love i have ever seen and felt from a complete stranger and told me about this LDS Addiction Recover Program and bore her testimony of how this program changes lives. She then continued saying that there's a Woman's group that is specific to what i was going through. Wait what! There are LDS women that struggle with the same exact thing i do!? this was all new to me. But i figured i would try it out, i was open for new things! The first meeting I went to i was nervous but kinda excited. I wanted to see how these addiction meetings went. I promised myself if I felt any spirit there i would know that it was the right place to be.

Sitting in the circle of Sisters testifying of the Love they feel from the Savior and how working the steps healed their hearts and brought them closer to Heavenly Father overwhelmed me with love, and most importantly Hope. I never felt hope for my addiction. This group gave me what i had been looking for. I can not express my full gratitude of this program and the love i feel every time i walk into the door of that room with those sisters. I have never wanted the love of my Savior more in my life then i do know. I need it every hour, min and sec. He has healed my heart He has made me the woman i am today and i have never been more happy, like real, ture happy. I know my Father in Heaven loves me i know i am His daughter, I know that if i ever try to wonder He will always be there waiting for me to come back to Him. I know that He gave His only Begotten Son to come to earth and Atone for MY sins. I know that I am so happy now that I am living the way He wants me to live. And I am never turning back.


  1. You are amazing:) I love your testimony of the LDS Addiction Recovery Group. I have been attending the support group for 10 weeks and feel so blessed to have a strong circle of sisters to relate to. I plan to go for the rest of my life, because I believe the 12 steps are helping me not only recover, but change me into the person God wants me to be.

    Thank you for sharing your journey!

    Prayers and Hugs!!

    1. Thank you for your post. I truly love the 12 steps, and you are completely right they really do help people to be better. I know i will be going for the rest of my life too! groups are amazing in so many ways!

